My favorite season

I’m incredibly lucky: I’m not allergic to pollen or have any of the issues people may suffer in spring. So, while for many it may be a dreaded time of the year, for me, it’s actually my favorite season. But why do I love it so much?

For starters, it marks the end of winter—short, cold days without much sunlight—and it’s anticipating summer. There’s also the flowers and plants blooming and growing, with colors and textures bringing streets, parks, gardens and basically everything to life. The temperature starts rising but it’s not suffocating, cool breezes are around without leading to colds, and the days are getting longer.

I feel more motivated to be out and about, and that leaves me with more energy overall to get more stuff done. Plus, with longer days, there’s more time to go to coffee shops or parks after work to get some writing done, and the weekend offers many opportunities to do just that.

In winter I feel lazier about, well, mostly everything, and while I still write or edit or plot, for some reason, I feel a whole lot more productive and motivated to write and create when it’s spring. And some of my favorite fruits and vegetables are in season in spring, and as I’m trying to be more conscious of my diet choices (in terms of how they impact the environment), it’s a good way of knowing that I’m making a choice that’s trying to diminish my impact.

After spring, my favorite season is autumn because, just as I love flowers and plants and colors and scents, I love rain. Few sounds are as comforting and nice as soft rain. I just love it. Maybe it’s got something to do with Norah Jones’s “Come Away with Me”, one of my favorite songs (but I’m digressing).

Plus, autumn also has changing colors and streets covered in leaves (which may be an inconvenience but looks very pretty). And as the temperature starts dropping, I get to drink mate (which I opt out of during summer) as I write. There’s a coziness in the season that I like, and there are sunny days mixed with the rainy ones—or maybe different weather throughout one whole day.

Summer also has one pro, in addition to the sun (wear SPF): justified ice cream, all day, every day. Before I moved to Germany, I spent many early afternoons, before or after work, enjoying an ice cream (mascarpone or tramontana) and writing, with a view of a park.

And in winter, when I wasn’t feeling too lazy, writing in bed with my dog cuddling next to me afforded me some very good memories.

So, yes, spring is my favorite season, but when it comes to writing, no season is wrong. No matter what the weather’s like, what good’s in season (or justified), at what time the sun’s setting, or how often Norah Jones sings the soundtrack to my life, it’s always the season to write.

Moira Daly

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